Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chad Johnson Ochocinco and Evelyn Lozada Divorce

         Lately, I have been reading the reports about the incident that happened on Sunday night between Chad Jonson (Ochocinco) and his wife, Evelyn Lozada (Johnson), formerly of the VH1 reality show Basketball Wives. It saddens me to see anyone get a divorce especially under dire circumstances. It seems as though there was an argument that took place over a receipt that was found for condoms. This led to a "head-butting" incident where Lozada went to a neighbors home where emergency assistance was called (by the neighbor with her in the background).

*Here is a link to listen to the 911 call Evelyn Lozada 911 Call.

This story is a sad realization as to what marriage has come to. The lack of commitment, communication, respect and REAL love has seemed to diminish in society today. The easier people seem to be in dating one another is leading to people not putting in any effort into their relationship. Since it is so "easy" to find someone else there is no incentive to stay.

In closing, I would just like to encourage people to take time when giving someone yourself. Make sure you both have the same definition of what REAL love is and are willing to work to stay together because real love is working to be with one person forever, unconditionally.

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