How Long Distance Relationships Happen
Due to the increase of the availability of online social media and WiFi ready electronics, more people are meeting online. It is easier to connect with a person online due to the ease and access to millions of people. Furthermore, there are websites specific to any category/interest you can imagine. This can lead to chatting with people who have similar interests or hobbies. Taking all of this into account, it is not wonder people will find connections.
Another avenue into a long distance relationship could be if have already met or were together and the other person moved away. Whether you have met someone, were together already then moved or have met online, the outcome is the same. You have found yourself in a long-distance relationship.
How to Make Sure Your Long-Distance Relationship Lasts
- Firstly, I will state, everyone is different. The needs, wants and desires of someone may be different from what another person wants. Also, everyone's situation is different. That being said, here are a few tips that are helpful to keep a long distance relationship going.
- Make a daily or weekly date time where you both will be able to see each other. You can use a video service; iPhone Facetime, skype, msn, yahoo have video chatting options (all free). There are many more options too.
- Make sure you talk every day, on the phone or through text messaging. On the phone is the best but if you can only text, one or two days, at the most, then that's better than nothing. It is important to stay connected.
- Try to plan trips to see each other. Setting an actual date and having that to look forward to will help ease the anxiety of not seeing each other.
- Send them something "meaningful" in the mail. This can be anything that is significant to you and that person. Examples are: a postcard from your favorite restaurant, a card with your perfume/cologne, a CD, key chain from a special place. Use your imagination;)
- If you're a girl = Send him pictures of you at random times. They do not have to be promiscuous. Guys are attracted by what they see, so keep your image in his head.
- If you're a guy = Send her a sweet message. Anything from "Thinking of you," Wish you were here," Dream about me," "Good morning beautiful" etc. Women just need to know you're on their mind and they'll feel good.
How Long Can A Long Distance Relationship Last?
I think many of you know that only you can answer that question but there are a few tips that can help.
If you feel the other person is drifting away - make a trip to see them as soon as possible; talk to them about your feelings, see their point-of-view. It is better to know.
The timing just isn't right - their busy with work or you're busy with school; the problems can cause a separation. Try taking a "break" to see how you feel. Sometimes, knowing you're without that person is enough to bring you closer or farther apart. Either way, it can bring clarification.
Sometimes, being away from someone for too long can make them forget about how you were when you were together. They can find themselves getting attention from people who are closer to them, who share their interests, hobbies or work. This can, sadly, lead to an end to any long distance relationship the person had.
The economy is bad and it is expensive to move. Sometimes, the only thing that prevents a great long-lasting relationship is the lack of finances it takes to see the other person.
It is unfortunate society has turned into a culture of “singles.” Meaning, it is rare to find loving, long-lasting relationships, much-less, long, long-distance relationships. Most of the time, it is difficult to trust the other person. They have either shown signs of being unfaithful or have already and the relationship is beyond difficult after that.
Once in a while, true love happens and the people who were apart come together and achieve an ever-lasting love. This happens when two people are invested in each other, have/had a common goal for what they want in the relationship and for the future, together. One person moves to be with the other or the person returns from school/work and things are better than ever.
I, personally, have witnessed all of these examples in my life. Love is difficult. Relationships are difficult. So when you find someone who knows and accepts those difficulties, you have found a good one:)